Monday, December 28, 2009

Tourists Police of Nepal

Tourists Police, which was established under the ministry of Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation, Tourism Industry Division in 1979 A.D. is a specialised unit of Nepal Police. To look after the welfare of the tourists while they are staying in Nepal is their main duty or responsibilities. It's main job is to provide help for the security and safety of tourists from different problems during their travel and stay in Nepal.
Tourists Police provide the information for tourists about travel and security. Tourists Police ensure a hassle free tour by keeping street children, beggars, thieves, robbers away from tourists. Whenever tourists need arises, tourists police assist the tourists. Tourists Police register complaints of tourists and provide police report in case of theft, robbery and loss of items. Tourists Police maintain safety environment mainly in tourist areas. Tourists Police provide safety for the tourists whenever they visit and interested to visit. Tourists Police provide information about tourists and control unlicensed tourists guide.Tourists Police's responsibility is to forward tourists criminal cases for legal procedure to District Police office and notify it to their concerned embassy.Tourists Police's duty is to inspect Hotels, Trekking, Tour and Rafting agencies for safety of tourists. Tourists Police performs their responsibilities and duties faithfully.


View of Pokhara
The Pokhara Valley is one of the most picturesque spots of nepal. It is one of the combination of the long arrays of snowing peaks, crystal clear lakes, turbulent rivers with deep gorges and picturesque villages inhabited by simple and friendly enthnic people. Pokhara is situated about 200km west from kathmandu at the lap of panoramic annapurna himal. Pokhara is linked with kathmandu by prithvi highway and the indian border of sunauli in the south by siddhartha highway. Pokhara valley is situated at an altitude of 900m,from the sea level. For the mountain viewers pokhara offers the magnificent views of dhaulagiri, himalchuli, machhapuchhre, five peaks of annapurna and others.Pokhara 2

Pokhara is also the best place for the trekkers. Trekking routes to annapurna region, dhaulagiri region, mt.machhapuchhre base camp, jomsom, baglung etc. starts from pokhara and the route is through the pictresque villages with the panoramic views of the snowy mountains.
Also the beauty of the valley is enhanced by its lovely lakes Davys Fallphewa, begnas and rupa,which have their source in the glacial region of the annapurna range of himalayas. These lakes known as ‘tal’ in nepali language offering boating, fishing and swimming. Every kind of facilities such as hotels, lodges, restaurants, travel and trekking agencies, hospitals etc are available in pokhara. The number of accomodation establishments here is second only to kathmandu.


Muktinath 2

The famous temple of lord muktinath lies in the mustang district. This temple is situated on a high mountain range and is visited during fair weather. This is one of the important places of pilgrimage for the hindus and the devotes gather there to pay homage to lord muktinath during the janai purnima and ram navami festivals.

Temple of MuktinathMuktinath is situated about 18 km north east of jomsom at an altitude about 3749m. There are two ways to get to muktinath. The first way is to take a direct flight to jomsom and hike for a couple of hour via kagbeni. The other is to trek all the way from pokhara. Actually pokhara is the starting point for trek to jomsom and it takes about 13 to 15 days. Trekkers are not allowerd to proceed beyond kagbeni and the high trails from jomsom to tilicho is also restricted. While trek to muktinath from pokhara we have to cross the highest pass called thorangla which is also difficult to walk through the pass because of high altitude.

Saturday, December 26, 2009


Bhaktapur, also known as Bhadgaon, stood the capital of Nepal Valley once during the olden days. And today there is a treasure home of medieval arts and architecture. According to a legend, this city was founded by late king Anand Dev who belonged to the famous Lichhabi Dynasty in 889 A.D. The urban sector covers the area of 4 square miles. People of this city make the best curd of the kingdom so that it is known as 'Juju Dhau' or 'King Curd'. There are different cottage factories which produce masks and wooden handicraft in Bhaktapur. Bhaktapur is 13 kilometers east of Kathmandu and can easily arrive their by public taxi, mini-bus, bus, auto-rickshaw, trolley-bus etc.
1. Bhaktapur Durbar square
Bhaktapur2Bhaktapur Durbar square is the main attraction for the visitors or tourists of Bhaktapur. The Bell of Barking Dogs, the picture gallery, the palace of 55 windows, the Golden Gate, the Bastala Temple, the replica of Pashupatinath Temple the Lion Gate etc. are the attraction of the Square. During the reign of King Ranjit Malla, bronze bell known as "The Bell of Barking Dogs" was built. The local dogs starts barking, when it starts to ring. And "The palace of 55 windows" was also built during his reign, which is wonderful and richly carved specimen in this whole world. T e main way for " The Palace of 55 Windows" is the golden gate. "The Bastala Temple" is beautiful example of shikhara style of architecture in Nepal. During the reign of king Bhupendra Malla, the lion gate was constructed which is made with the figures of Narasingh,Hanuman and Bhairav Narayan.
2. Nyatapola Temple Bhaktapur3
During the reign of King Bhupatindra Malla, the Nyatapola Temple was built which is 5 storied temple of Goddess Laxmi. This one of the tallest temple having two pair of figures of two Singhini, two Graffins, two lions, two wrestlers, two elephants, two Baghini.

3. Bhairav Nath Temple
During the reign of King Jayasthiti Malla, this temple was built and later it was re-constructed by King Bhupatindra Malla. The main attractions of this temple is the God of terror and the Lord Bhairav Nath.

4. Dttatraya Temple
During the reign of King Yakchhya Malla, it was built and later repaired by King Bishwa Malla. People of Bhaktapur believe that it was built by a sinle tree.
5. Pujari Nath
Pujari Nath, which is a monastry was built during the reign of King Yakchhya Malla with the suggestio n of Priest Ram Dutta Giri.
Suryavinayak, which includes the God Ganesh is situated at south of Bhaktapur city. It is a beautiful picnic spot.
7. Changu Narayan
Changu Narayan, which is situated about 153m above the level of Kathmandu City. This is oldest temple of this valley which has been built during the reign of king Hari Dutta Verma.
8. Nagakot
Nagarkot, which is one of the best tourists resort of Nepal is situated at an altitude of 2174m above the sea level and about 32 km east of Kathmandu Valley. Mt. Everest , Ganesh Himal, Langtang Himal, Choba, Bhamre, Gauri etc. can be clearly viewed from Nagarkot.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Kathmandu Kathmandu, which is also known as Kantipur is full of religious temples, monuments, places and so on. Tourists visits here for the information of old civilization and culture. To gain the knowledge about the lifestyle of old persons and the related old festivals which is celebrated till now. Information about karunamaya temple, kumari temple, kastha mandap, pashupatinath temple, dakshinkali etc. can be easily gain. The main tourists attraction of Kathmandu are:
1. Hanuman Dhoka(Durbar Square) Hanuman Dhoka
Hanuman Dhoka, which was built during the reign of King Pratap Malla consists old monuments, temples, palaces, and shows the cultural and religious life style of people. After placing the image of Hanuman in the gate of the palace, it was named Hanuman Dhoka. Temple of Taleju, the god of destruction, image of kal Bhairav, Basantapur Durbar, the Jaganath Temple, the Big Drums and Big Bell, the statue of King Pratap Malla, the Krishna Mandir, Panchamukhi Hanumam Temple, the temple of Shiv-Parvati, tribhuwan and Numismatic Museum are the major interestings things to view in this square.
2. Temple of Kumari Kumari Temple
The virgin living goddess of Hindu Religion whose selected from Buddhist clan is called Kumari. She should possess some specialities like coming from Newari Shakya family, a virgin with no injuries or body marks, when she attends puberty then she is replaced by another one. The temple of Kumari is the residence of kumari which is situated in the vicinity of Hanuman Dhoka Durbar. During the reign of King Jay Prakash Malla, it was built having beautifully carved window screens and wooden balconies. Taking Photo is strictly prohibited.
3. Kasthamandap
Kasthamandap, which is also known as Maru Sattal is situated near the Kumari Temple. During the reign of King Laxmi Narsingh Malla, it has been constructed from the wood of single tree.
4. Swayambhunath Swayambhunath Swayambhunath is one of the world's most glorius Buddhist Chaityas which is said to be 2000 year's old. The Chaitya which forms the main structure is made of a solid hemisphere of brick and clay supporting a lofty conical spire capped by a pinnacle of copper gift. Painted on the four sides of the spire bases are the allseeing eyes of Lord Buddha. It is 3km above the Kathmandu City. This hill is a mosiac of small pagoda and chaityas temples.
5. Pashupatinath TemplePashupatinath Pashupatinath temple, which lies 5 km east of Kathmandu City on the bank of Bagmati River is the temple of Lord Shiva. It has 2 tiered golden roof and silver doors and is famous for its beautiful architecture. On the day of Shiv ratri, it is the centre of aanual pilgrimage. Only Hindus are allowed to enter inside the temple but the visitors can view the temple and the activities done inside the temple from the eastern bank of the Holy Bagmati River.

6. Guheshwori Temple
Guheshwori temple, a holy and historic temple of Goddess Sati Devi is situated near the temple of Pashupati Temple. No image of any goddess are there in the temple of Guheshwori which is also in the bank of holy Bagmati River. Only Hindus are allowed to enter inside the temple.
7. Dakshinkali Temple
It is situated at about 20 km south of Kathmandu City. It is one of the most important place of pilgrimage regarding the Hindu Goddess . Pilgirms visits the temple to offer their prayers and animals sacrifices to the Goddess hoping that the goddess will fulfill their wish and after fulfilling their wish. It is one of the popular picnic spot with facilities of water and electricity.
8. Kirtipur
Kirtipur is situated at about 8 km southwest of Kathmandu City on the top of hill which is an ancient town. This historic newari town has many things to offer like old shrines and temples, the people wearing typical newari dressess, old houses etc. It is fmous for the historic bravery of its people. On the top of the town, there is ancient temple of Bagh Bhairab from where most part of Kathmandu Valley can be viewed easily. The town also have the temple of Uma Maheshwor having the large ancient bell. It is said that when the enemy gonna attack the town the people use to ring the bell to beware. Tribhuvan University is Located at the foot of the Kirtipur town.
9. Martyr's Memorial Gate( Shahid Gate)
Martyr's Memorial Gate, which is situated near the Tundikhel and Bhadrakali temple contains the statue of the four martyr's namely Ganga Lal, Shukra Raj Shastri, Dasharath Chand, Dharma Bhakta who hav sacrifice their life for the country. and also contains the statue of late King Tribhuvan Bir Bikram Shah Dev.
10. Naryanhiti Museum
It is past Royal Palace. From the temple of the Narayan and famous historic water spout situated at that palce. After republic of Nepal, this palace turns to museum. Visitors can view the living style of past Kings and many other things related to Kings.
Bouddhanath, Buddhanilkantha, Kaisar Library, National Museum, Natural History Museum, Gokarna, Balaju Water Garden are the other attractions of Kathamandu.

As we know, tourists is the persons visiting a place for pleasure and tourism is the commerical organization of holidays and services for tourists.Kathmandu Valley

The kathmandu valley is a unique type of valley wearing a exotic settings. Twenty-five centuries ago, it stood as a titanic lake. It is surrounded by a tier of green mountain walls above which to the north tower the mighty snowcapped peaks during the winter. It includes four major cities include Kathmandu, Patan, Bhadgaon and Kirtipur.Ironically we understood that Kathmandu valley was an empire of four kingdoms till the 17th century A.D. as indpendent modern cities. This valley has an approximate population of a million and a half (i.e. including the Tibetans and the Indians as well) which is situated at an elevation of 4,423 feet above the sea-level as part of Shangrila and covers an area of 218 square miles.
